
Showing posts from May, 2024

How important is your level of education when applying for Singapore residency (PR and citizenship)?

It turns out your parents were right about staying in school and going to university, at least that is the case for applicants for Singapore residency. Data from the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA), Singapore’s government agency in charge of granting Singapore Permanent Residency (SPR) and Citizenship (SC), shows that for 4 out of 5 people that are granted PR and citizenship have had education beyond secondary school level.   Education Profile of SCs and PRs granted in 2022 Source: ICA Is the ICA approving people to become Singapore permanent resident because they spent more time learning beyond secondary school or is the pool of applicants already consist of 4 times more people with education beyond secondary shooling? We suspect it could be a combination of the two and, honestly, we will never really know unless the ICA shares more detailed breakdown of applicant profiles over the past decade. However, we do think that education is an important component in your profile